書名:Green Eggs and Ham



作者:Seuss, Dr.



Green Eggs and Ham購買網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010002508?utm_source=87926&utm_medium=ap-books&utm_content=recommend&utm_campaign=ap-201610


幽默古怪的韻詩,是Dr.Seuss一貫的風格,但在這本” Green Eggs and Ham”中,不僅可以鍛鍊舌頭的肌耐力,每當饒舌的Sam-I-am提出一個請求,另一位角色雖無奈但也要不厭其煩地重複拒絕一遍,這時帶著小朋友共讀的大朋友,也可以趁機來個禮節的文法機會教育:瞧瞧Sam-I-am雖然強力推銷,但還是用客氣的語氣請求;而另一位先生,有時客氣,有時也顧不得禮貌,用簡單句狠狠地拒絕!跟著書上的句子與所附的有聲CD,一起運動您的舌頭、學文法!甚至,您也會在一試之下,深深愛上花椰菜!

“Do you like green eggs and ham?” asks Sam-I-am in this Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss. In a house or with a mouse? In a boat or with a goat? On a train or in a tree? Sam keeps asking persistently. With unmistakable characters and signature rhymes, Dr. Seuss’s beloved favorite has cemented its place as a children’s classic. In this most famous of cumulative tales, the list of places to enjoy green eggs and ham, and friends to enjoy them with, gets longer and longer. Follow Sam-I-am as he insists that this unusual treat is indeed a delectable snack to be savored everywhere and in every way.

Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.

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